Our Learning Centre
Aakruti Kathak Kendra

Aakruti Kathak Kendra, one of the premier Kathak learning centres of India has been nurturing young talent in Hyderabad since 1990. With the corner stone of learning at Aakruti being the values, devotion and discipline of our beloved Gurus, Raghav Raj Bhatt, prime disciple of Padma Vibhushan Pandit Birju Maharaj ji and Mangala Bhatt, senior disciple of Pandit Durga Lal ji, students learn the external aspects of Kathak while internalising the philosophy behind the art form, leading to learning that lasts for a life time. The students of Aakruti are carefully guided in their journey and are moulded to be exquisite dancers.
They treat the school as a sanctuary where they come to find inner strength, discipline and joy through dance. Through a range of activities such as weekly dance classes, workshops, lecture - demonstrations as well as research into the interfacing of Kathak with other Indian and Western art forms, Aakruti Kathak Kendra offers its students, Kathak connoisseurs, art aficionados as well as general public multiple ways to engage with Kathak. Aakruti is a dance school committed to preserving, promoting and facilitating Kathak in India and across the World.